Repair Facility Address and Contact Screen

Use this screen to edit the repair facility address and contact information. Some fields may be disabled depending on the insurance company permissions granted to your company profile.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Address and Contact Information The company address and other information pane displays by default. Claim office and administration fields appear here.
Company This is the company name.
DBA Enter the company alias name. This abbreviation represents Doing Business As.
ID The field is the office code that was used when the profile was created. This field cannot be edited.
Address Address and contact information appear in this section.
Address 1 and Address 2 The company's street and suite address information appear in these 2 fields
City/State/Zip The company's city, state and postal code information are displayed in these fields. Select the state from the droplist. The postal code format is 9 digits (e.g., 12345-6789).
Phone Number(s) The selected contact phone number are listed in this section.
Phone Type This option describes the type of phone number. Phone types include Business,Car, Cellular, Day, Evening, Fax, Modem, Other, and Pager.
Phone Number Enter the area code, phone number and extension in this field. The field is formatted as (___) ___-____ x _________.
Order This indicates the primary and secondary phone numbers. Any number in this section can be moved. The top is the primary and the second in the list is secondary.
(phone blue up and down arrows) Use these arrows to move the selected phone number up or down the list.
(red X) This button removes the selected phone number from th list.
Contact The primary contact information is displayed in this field. This is a free form field.
File The menu bar File options include Save, Save and Close, and Close.
Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Save This menu selection saves the information. This is also a toolbar option.
Save and Close This menu selection saves the information and closes the screen. This is also a toolbar option.
(document header)

The insurance company name and claim office appear here.

See Also

Editing Address and Contact Information







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